Yoga Studios in Belgrade You Shouldn’t Miss (Update 2025)
January 13, 2025 | by Katarina
When it comes to yoga, the first thought that comes to my mind is – living healthier and happier life. It’s funny how one hour of daily yoga practice can make us feel stronger, better, more optimistic and dedicated to our life goals. That’s not all – after practicing yoga, your mind becomes calm and you can see things clearer and approach them completely open minded. Thankfully, in the past couple of years, there have been an increase of number of yoga studios in Belgrade. So, let’s get to the point.
Benefits of Practicing Yoga
I’m not sure if anyone has made a complete list of these benefits, but while some of them are well known, there are other benefits that we’re not really aware of. One of the best articles I’ve read about health benefits of yoga can be found here:
Yoga isn’t only about losing weight, being fit and being able to do all these poses we’ve seen on Instagram. It’s about changing your state of mind. It’s about becoming happier, it’s about becoming a better version of yourself. Yoga is helping us to get to know ourselves and it gives a deeper meaning to our lives.
I decided to start practicing yoga in a studio couple of months ago. Up until that moment, I was watching yoga online and practicing at home, but I wasn’t able to practice regularly. It is completely different when you actually have to get up, get ready and leave your apartment. The biggest benefit I’ve experienced so far is emotional health boost. It has been proven that practicing yoga stimulates the production of oxytocin, the love and bonding hormone. It also results in higher serotonin level, the happiness hormone. As someone who currently has an office job, I’ve been experiencing strong back pain. Thanks to yoga’s stretching exercises, I’ve improved my spinal flexibility.
Also one of the most important benefits (especially during the weekend practices) is hangover relief. After a night of drinking and partying, yoga is the best way to detox the entire system and improve metabolism, thanks to increasing blood flow.
Best Yoga Studios in Belgrade
Regardless of the duration of your stay in Belgrade, you can practice yoga just for a day or two or for a whole month – that depends on you. There are many yoga studios in Belgrade and while I appreciate different opinions, I can guarantee you’re gonna like these studios.
Kundalini Yoga Belgrade
Kundalini yoga school of Yogi Bhajana has been founded in Belgrade in 2013. Since then, Belgrade has its own Kundalini yoga school in the center of Belgrade. Kundalini yoga is also know as “yoga of awareness”, as it awakens and activates the our Kundalini energy or “shakti”. With this energy activation, it’s helping with balancing chakras in our body and contributing to our spiritual well-being.
Unlike other types of yoga, kundalini is more focused on spiritual than physical practice. Of course, Kundalini still consists of many movements, which can often be demanding, but that’s not a primary focus of this yoga practices. Kundalini yoga combines deep breathing, singing, chanting, and movement in specific order.
Contact them:
Location: Beogradska 23, 1st floor, Belgrade
Classes: Mon & Thu – 7pm
Surya Yoga Belgrade
In Surya yoga studio there are different styles and levels of yoga, which gives students possibility to choose the best practice in accordance with their personality, needs and affinities. It doesn’t matter whether you have yoga experience, what’s your physical condition level, gender or age. They are offering Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Iyengar and Minimal Yoga, so make sure you visit this yoga studio once you’re in Belgrade.
Location: Loznička 11, Belgrade
Classes: Every day – check their schedule online
Ashtanga Yoga Belgrade
One of the best yoga studio in Belgrade is Ashtanga Yoga Belgrade studio. They are providing you with two different yoga classes – Mysore and Led Classes.
Mysore classes take place every day from Monday to Saturday according to the published schedule that can be found on their website. Although all students practice together, the teachers work with each of them individually. This means that the teacher explains in details the breathing and the technique, demonstrates them and keeps checking student’s progress. From the first class, the student is taught to practice without assistance in order to become capable to practice by himself as soon as possible.
Led class takes place only on Sundays and only practitioners who have learned basic technique (Sun salutations, ten standing techniques and a couple of sitting ones) can attend this type of class. The aim of led class is further improvement of breathing and vinyasa – i.e. the synchronisation of breathing and movement.
Location: Kneza Miloša 81, II floor, Belgrade
Classes: Every day except Sundays – check their schedule online
M Power Yoga
Depending on your condition, time and what you want to achieve with yoga, there are different styles of yoga that you can find in the M Power Yoga studio. Besides the traditional style known as Integral Yoga, they can also provide you with a more dynamic style known as Power Yoga. The specific rhythm and concept of their classes encompasses and integrates several different styles including: hatha yoga, ashtanga yoga, vinyasa flow yoga, kundalini yoga, restorative – yin yoga.
Yoga classes are adapted to all those who want to restore their energy and vitality within 75 minutes, to let go their business and private obligations, restore their inner peace, self-confidence and serenity. It is recommended for all business people, recreational and active athletes, students, parents and everyone who feels the need to improve their health and quality of life in general.
Location: Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 143, Belgrade
Classes: Check their website for more information
Vidya Yoga
One of the well known yoga studio in Belgrade is Vidya Yoga School. The training program of the Vidya Yoga School was conceived in the spirit of the traditional practice of Hatha Yoga, with respect and application of, in practice of confirmed, knowledge from the field of functional anatomy and bio mechanics of the body.
Every class is balanced with asanas that develop more or less the following anthropomotor skills: flexibility, durability, strength, coordination, followed by relaxation and meditation. This way of regular exercising leads to a better psycho-physical, aesthetic and functional state of personality.
Location: Vojvode Dobrnjca 26, Belgrade
Classes: Check their website or Instagram for more information
If you have any questions regarding any of the mentioned yoga studios or you think there are other yoga studios in Belgrade that are worth mentioning – don’t hesitate to drop us a message.
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